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As another Christmas holiday rolls around, a lot of questions come to mind: Do we need to celebrate Christmas? Is it wrong to “celebrate” it? Do we have the right date? Why do we exchange gifts? Have we forgotten the true meaning of Christmas? I don’t intend to address these issues but I do want to encourage you to share the Gospel. What better time than during these holidays? 1. Let’s magnify the Lord (Luke 1:46): “And Mary said, My soul magnifies and extols the Lord.” -Angels sing to the Lord, nature sing the song of creation to the Lord, we too need to lift up His name. God incarnated as a human to save mankind. His name needs to be lifted up on high. When the world uses and abuses the name of Jesus as profanity, it is our duty to continue to magnify the Lord’s name in this generation. No other name brings glory to the earth like the name of Jesus. 2. Let us rejoice in the Savior (Luke 1:47): “And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” -We need to make it a lifestyle to rejoice in God, Who saved us. We’re not able to save ourselves yet we were redeemed by His blood. We need to rejoice in that salvation. 3. We need to enjoy the promise (Luke 1:48): “For He looked upon the low state and humiliation of His handmaiden. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed and declare me happy and to be envied.” -God’s promises are great and will be fulfilled in our lives as He planned. We need to be ready and prepare ourselves so the promises will be fulfilled. Ask yourself if you’re ready for the promise? Are you able to handle it with care? 4. Declare the Good News (Luke 1:50): “And His mercy is on those who fear Him with godly reverence, from generation to generation and age to age.” -Can you tell someone about this awesome love? The most amazing news to the world is that Christ was born over 2,000 years ago. He not only lived and walked among us, but He gave His life up for us. He saved us from the power of sin and curse and redeemed us from the evil one.
7/26/2016 01:33:28 pm
This post reminds me of this Magnify The Lord by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Our songs of praise, our willingness to submit ourselves to God, these lead us to experience God's unending love and these sustain and improve our faithfulness in Him. These therefore, lead us closer to His heart.
8/30/2016 01:34:59 am
I think we celebrate Christmas because Jesus is born. He is the only son of God, he should be delighted that he is born with us on earth. Christmas is a time of sharing and giving. We give and share to give love and express our happiness. Christmas is the best season, we should rejoice and be happy because God loves us and cares for us.
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Ben Thomas
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