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A Winning Attitude
“A Winning Christian Attitude”A winning Christian attitude includes a positive attitude about yourself, God, the church, and other people! As a Christian we are constantly in need of taking a self-inventory. 1. A positive person is not one who refuses to recognize the negative, but he refuses to dwell on them Remember there is always the negative and the positive in every person or situation. And what a positive person does is develop the habit of looking for the best results even from the worst conditions... It’s always possible to look for something good, even when things look bad. 2. Your attitude affects every relationship in your life. And sometimes relationships will never get started because many times your attitude has built up walls... making it difficult for people to be around you. Bad attitudes effect your marriage relationships/your relationship with your kids/at work/at church/friends. 3. Leave the stress behind. A bad attitude is eventually going to spill out into some negative actions (destructive words and deeds). I once had a manager, that the minute he drove into the parking lot, you knew exactly how his and everyone else's day was going to go. He used to bring his stress from home to the work place and vice versa. 4. Take life easy. There are certain things you cannot change in life. Do not become a person who waits to enjoy life after retirement. Take time and enjoy your family and church now. Be nice to others, deal positively to your family. Do not waste your time on things that you have no control. 5. Be a person of faith. Who am I? “I am a child of God.” My life, family, friends, and church are all in the hands of God. By holding to your faith; what was once a negative turns into a positive. Attitude determines our destiny. By renewing our minds our attitudes will change. Your attitude will determine your successes, health, worship, and blessings. We have a choice. God Bless. Pastor Ben Thomas
1 Comment
9/8/2015 07:06:48 am
Our attitude has a big influence to our day to day living. Our attitude defines how we perceive life. Simply saying, being pessimistic ruins the day, being optimistic makes it. It is how we deal with life, it is how we react. To conclude, one should have a winning attitude, this helps in many ways, resulting to defining and considering life as a complete blessing and the best gift to us. Many thanks for this article for citing pointers and techniques how to have a winning attitude. Great one. Very helpful. Thanks.
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Ben Thomas
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September 2022